Alumni Night Attendance & Donations

   2015: This year we went back to the school for a very special evening. We honored long time Teacher, coach and mentor Peter Martin. Many of his football players over the years returned to celebrate his many years at PCSS. 360 past students and teachers came out for this event as Peter was presented with a custom made jacket along with several speeches from past Alumnus. Proceeds from this event helped in purchasing the Bronze Bars for the Ontario Scholarship wall located across from the School Theatre.
   2014: We returned to the Legion again for this year and welcomed 147 people to the Alumni night. This year we were fortunate to have Gord Hatton provide us with an outstanding display of Port Credit memorabilia.
   2013: Back to the Legion again this year. We added a live music jam session with Alumni grads taking part in an evening of music and song. 205 Alumni walked through the door that evening and fun, dancing and chatter was had by all.
   2012: This year we moved our Alumni night to the Legion in Port Credit. We lowered our costs by hosting outside the school and 217 Alumni turned out for the evening.
   2011: There were 190 paid attendees this year plus the AAC Committee. Proceeds of the evening funded the video display information center found in the front lobby near the office.

2010: The 90th Reunion celebration Pub Night on Friday, the attendance was 811, plus the Talent Show performers and the Alumni Committee members.

2009: 330 Alumnus attended this year, 1 year prior to our 90th!

2008: This was a record year for Alumni Nights - 391 PCHS and PCSS graduates attended the Alumni Night this year, and the scholarship donations were $1465. The PCSS Alumni Committee wishes to thank all graduates for their generous contributions!

2007: The attendance this year was 257 and the scholarship fund donations totaled $1450. Our thanks to everyone who made a contribution this year!

2006: This year the 372 attendees generated approximately $3,600 in Alumni Night revenues and an additional $1,100 in actual Scholarship Donations. As a result, the Alumni Committee has decided to add an additional Scholarship Award to its program and also increase the amounts of both annual scholarships to $1,250.

2005: The attendance this year was an impressive 312 people - a substantial increase over last year's estimated 250. Alumni Night donations totaled $710 this year.

2004: This year's attendance is estimated to be about 250 people.

2003: The attendance at this year's Alumni Night was 270, including a considerable number of first-timers. Our graduates have demonstrated considerable generosity, as their donations to the Scholarship Fund (including the proceeds from the yearbook CDs) were over $2000.

2002: The second annual PCSS Pub Night attracted 291 former students and teachers, beating last year's attendance by more than fifty!

2001: The attendance for the first annual PCSS Pub Night was 240 people. The funds raised during the annual PCSS Alumni Nights will provide financial support to other school enhancement programs. These programs will be chosen by the PCSS Students and the School Councils as essential for the school.